
Health and Safety

Our central health and safety tool, EHS Insight, is a robust Environmental, Health, and Safety management system that simplifies compliance, risk management, and incident reporting. It allows us to easily track safety metrics, ensure regulatory compliance, and handle audits and inspections efficiently.

By centralizing EHS data and automating various processes, EHS Insight minimizes administrative tasks and boosts workplace safety and efficiency. As a result, we benefit from better safety performance, lower operational risks, and enhanced organizational resilience.

View our Environment & Social Management System, please

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Compliance with

International standards

Certification for Fertilizer operations 'IFA - Protect & Sustain'

Quality Management System (QMS) - ISO 9001:2015

IFC Performance Standards (PS) - PS 1 to PS 8

World Bank Safety Guidelines

Environment Management System (EMS) - ISO 14001:2015

Occupational Health & Safety Management System - ISO 45001:2018

Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- ISO 22000/FSSC 2200/BRC


Go beyond the call of duty

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Strive towards sustainable growth

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Enhance ethical practices

Are ambassadorsof the ETG Brand

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  • World Bank Safety Guidelines

  • Environment Management System (EMS) - ISO 14001:2015

  • Occupational Health & Safety Management System - ISO 45001:2018

  • Food Safety Management System (FSMS) - ISO 22000/FSSC 2200/BRC

  • Certification for Fertilizer operations 'IFA - Protect & Sustain'

  • Quality Management System (QMS) - ISO 9001:2015

  • IFC Performance Standards (PS) - PS 1 to PS 8



ETG is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in our supply chains. Over 90 EHS site champions represent various sites and countries, they facilitate training for all staff, ensure all employees work safely, conduct regular inspections, and maintain regulatory compliance. The EHS site champions collaborate closely with the group's EHS teams to uphold and enhance safety standards.



EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training ...



ETG is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in our supply chains. Over 90 EHS...

Continuous Training

EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training is mandatory for all employees, from management to the shop floor, ensuring consistent safety standards throughout the organization. The group also employs external training consultants to cover IFC Performance Standards, Ipieca, and World Bank safety guidelines. These programs enhance employees' knowledge and skills, and ensure

EHS Champions

ETG iscommitted to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in oursupply chains. Over 90 EHS site champions represent various sites and countries,they facilitate training for all staff, ensure all employees work safely,conduct regular inspections, and maintain regulatory compliance. The EHS sitechampions collaborate closely with the group's EHS teams to uphold and enhancesafety standards.



EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training is mandatory for all employees, from management to the shop floor, ensuring consistent safety standards throughout the organization. The group also employs external training consultants to cover IFC Performance Standards, Ipieca, and World Bank safety guidelines. These programs enhance employees' knowledge and skills, and ensure




ETG is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in our supply chains. Over 90 EHS site champions represent various sites and countries,they facilitate training for all staff, ensure all employees work safely,conduct regular inspections, and maintain regulatory compliance. The EHS site champions collaborate closely with the group's EHS teams to uphold and enhance safety standards.