We aim to create a positive impact in the lives of all our partners and to adapt and grow responsibly while ensuring a sustainable future for all our stakeholders.

For ETG, sustainability is a way of doing business. A way that is not only a moral imperative but makes good business sense. Our ambition is to fully transform into a net positive business. We realise that this is a journey with challenges and conflicting objectives and that this ambition can only be realised through collaboration with others.

View our Group Sustainability Policy here

ETG’s Sustainability


To guide us on our net-positive journey, we have developed a sustainability framework. The framework sets out three areas where we want to achieve net positive impact – nature, people and business – and the twelve criteria by which we will measure our progress.

Our approach is rooted in the idea of a net-positive impact on all people we interact with, while working within the carrying capacity of the Earth.

We are helping to provide food for a growing population and working to create fair and sustainable value for the benefit of current and future generations.

ETG aims to create a positive impact in the lives of all our partners and to adapt and grow responsibly while ensuring a sustainable future for all our stakeholders.



As a company, we are committed to working
in ways that are mindful of our impacts on
nature, preserve our Earth’s ecosystems
and restore them to a better state where



Our ambition is to have a positive impact on
all people whose lives we touch, no matter
how large or small their contribution to our



We envisage a business that is lean, agile
and efficient while contributing to a more
connected, interdependent and
value-driven culture.

Nature Positive

We are committed to working in ways that are mindful of our impacts on nature, preserve our Earth’s ecosystems and restore them to a better state where possible.

Protecting the Environment

ETG’s business includes a global network of factories, warehouses, depots and offices, as well as logistics and trade operations. We are committed to ensuring that the environmental impacts of our operations and supply chains are avoided or mitigated.

Acting on Climate Change

ETG is committed to aligning all its business activities with the below 1.5°C global warming target. We are also looking at how to adapt our business to the changing climate and how to strengthen the resilience of our supply chains.

Promoting Good Agricultural Practices and Regenerative Agriculture

Through our business we interact with millions of smallholder farmers worldwide. ETG aims to support them in improving their farming so they can achieve reliable decent incomes, work safely and take care of the environment on which they rely.

Rehabilitating Nature and Forests

ETG’s business is intertwined with nature, both depending on it and influencing it. We are committed to contributing to the global nature positive goal, with no net losses now and making a net positive contribution by 2030.

People Positive

Our ambition is to have a positive impact on all people whose lives we touch, no matter how large or small their contribution to our business.

Safeguarding Human Rights, Health and Safety

ETG respects the dignity and rights of all humans and is committed to safeguarding human rights at work and the health and safety of every individual in its supply chains.

Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We are committed to treating every individual in our supply chains with equal respect, reward based on merit and creating a diverse and inclusive workspace for our people, free from discrimination, intimidation or harassment.

Ensuring Decent Livelihoods

ETG provides income to tens of thousands of people, including farmers and workers, many of whom are at the bottom of the income pyramid. ETG is working towards paying for their goods and services at a level that is in line with a decent living income.

Cultivating Community Relations

ETG is committed to building and maintaining good relationships with the communities it operates in and to contributing to community development where possible.

Business Positive

We envisage a business that is lean, agile and efficient while contributing to a more connected, interdependent and value-driven culture.

Being a Good Corporate Citizen

ETG is committed to fulfilling its commercial, fiscal, legal, social and environmental obligations, acting transparently in the spirit of fair competition and making philanthropic contributions.

Growing Sustainably

As ETG grows, we must do so within planetary limits and respect the dignity and rights of all the people we collaborate with. Where we are involved in sectors that are not yet fully aligned with this imperative, we will develop sustainability transition strategies.

Fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Entrepreneurship and innovation are the centrepiece of ETG’s purpose and values. We are committed to adapting and growing responsibly as a diversified enterprise, creating a sustainable impact for all our stakeholders.

Inspiring Others

ETG is a leader in many of sectors it is involved in. We embrace our responsibility to be an example and to motivate our suppliers, business partners and peers to adopt good business practices and work in sustainable ways.



Health and Safety

Our central health and safety tool, EHS Insight, is a robust Environmental, Health, and Safety management system that simplifies compliance, risk management, and incident reporting. It allows us to easily track safety metrics, ensure regulatory compliance, and handle audits and inspections efficiently.

EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training is mandatory for all employees, from management to the shop floor, ensuring consistent safety standards throughout the organization. External training consultants cover IFC Performance Standards, Ipieca, and World Bank safety guidelines.

By centralizing EHS data and automating various processes, EHS Insight minimizes administrative tasks and boosts workplace safety and efficiency.

Compliance with

International standards

Certification for Fertilizer operations 'IFA - Protect & Sustain'

Quality Management System (QMS) - ISO 9001:2015

IFC Performance Standards (PS) - PS 1 to PS 8

World Bank Safety Guidelines

Environment Management System (EMS) - ISO 14001:2015

Occupational Health & Safety Management System - ISO 45001:2018

Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
- ISO 22000/FSSC 2200/BRC


Go beyond the call of duty

Show initiative

Strive towards sustainable growth

Uphold our values

Show positivity and motivation

Motivate peers

Enhance ethical practices

Are ambassadorsof the ETG Brand

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  • World Bank Safety Guidelines

  • Environment Management System (EMS) - ISO 14001:2015

  • Occupational Health & Safety Management System - ISO 45001:2018

  • Food Safety Management System (FSMS) - ISO 22000/FSSC 2200/BRC

  • Certification for Fertilizer operations 'IFA - Protect & Sustain'

  • Quality Management System (QMS) - ISO 9001:2015

  • IFC Performance Standards (PS) - PS 1 to PS 8



ETG is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in our supply chains. Over 90 EHS site champions represent various sites and countries, they facilitate training for all staff, ensure all employees work safely, conduct regular inspections, and maintain regulatory compliance. The EHS site champions collaborate closely with the group's EHS teams to uphold and enhance safety standards.



EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training ...



ETG is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in our supply chains. Over 90 EHS...

Continuous Training

EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training is mandatory for all employees, from management to the shop floor, ensuring consistent safety standards throughout the organization. The group also employs external training consultants to cover IFC Performance Standards, Ipieca, and World Bank safety guidelines. These programs enhance employees' knowledge and skills, and ensure

EHS Champions

ETG iscommitted to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in oursupply chains. Over 90 EHS site champions represent various sites and countries,they facilitate training for all staff, ensure all employees work safely,conduct regular inspections, and maintain regulatory compliance. The EHS sitechampions collaborate closely with the group's EHS teams to uphold and enhancesafety standards.



EHS Insight also integrates an extensive library of health and safety training modules. This training is mandatory for all employees, from management to the shop floor, ensuring consistent safety standards throughout the organization. The group also employs external training consultants to cover IFC Performance Standards, Ipieca, and World Bank safety guidelines. These programs enhance employees' knowledge and skills, and ensure




ETG is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of every individual in our supply chains. Over 90 EHS site champions represent various sites and countries,they facilitate training for all staff, ensure all employees work safely,conduct regular inspections, and maintain regulatory compliance. The EHS site champions collaborate closely with the group's EHS teams to uphold and enhance safety standards.