ETG Commodities trade on various exchanges, where liquid derivative instruments are used to mititgate price risk within the commodities value chain. We pride ourselves in being Agricultural Commodity Specialists and have diversified our portfolio to include Metals and Energy. Core to our business is Africa, where the vertical has the ability to leverage off of the group's vast asset base. Our African Footprint encompass Sub Saharan and West African countries, with international specialist operations in Central Asia, India, Asia Pacific and Europe. To understand complexities and to embrace opportunities in markets we operate in, we place emphasized focus on building strong, experienced local teams to drive value. They work closely with our suppliers and customers to provide an ecosystem with various product offerings to support operational requirements.
Oilseeds, Grains, Sugar, Coffee, Energy (LPG), Minerals and Metals.
Climate Desk:
With global GHG emissions recovering post Covid , achieving a reduction of 45% by 2030, as established by the Paris Agreement, is challenging. The necessity of accelerating reductions and scaling GHG removals are becoming increasingly evident. Powered by its network and experience , ETG is deploying a comprehensive carbon farming program for emerging farmers, creating an additional product for farmers to farm. For further details, please send a mail to
Ibericafe by ETG:
Ibericafe by ETG caters to the full pallet of coffee lovers in the Spanish and Portuguese markets. Ibericafe's extensive Spanish and Portuguese marketing network and ETG's origination and supply chain management in Africa and Asia, is a winning combination for further expansion in the global coffee market. To find out more, please click here (link to Ibericafe website)
Specialty / Niche crops -